What is an optimal state of wellness?
Our unwaivering desire is to be well and live well.
Optimal wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. We experience a state of aliveness and feel energetic, alert, enthusiastic, motivated, clear-minded, happy and content, comfortable in our skin, at ease, in the flow and connected to self and others. Who doesn’t desire that internal experience of goodness and well-being, for not only does it feel good, we know it is the foundation for optimal aging and longevity.
Wellness counseling, integrative health coaching, mindfulness and nature-based services aim to meet your individual health needs and goals. Begin your journey today!
Wellness Counseling
It is possible.
Healing our ills, improving our health and maintaining a state of well-being is always possible. It requires a willingness to adopt a positive mindset, a commitment to change unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, the courage to learn new ways of behaving and the commitment to engage in wellness practices that help you heal and maintain health.
If you are wanting to improve your well-being or target an area of concern like, managing stress, healthy nutritional, movement and lifestyle practices or losing weight, wellness counseling supports you with desires and goals.
The mind-body connection.
When we don’t feel well physically, it effects our psychological well-being. And when we don’t’ feel well psychologically, it effects our physical well-being.
Living with a chronic illness or a new medical diagnosis is challenging. Few people understand the myriad of thoughts and feelings experienced, often on a daily basis, when coping with physical illness. Compassionate support, expert guidance and tools for managing pain/illness are the cornerstones of wellness counseling.