Teenage life is not easy.
Our teens are experiencing an enormous amount of stress at school, home and in their social circles and communities. Unmanaged stress can lead to feelings of anxiety, frustration, despair, sadness, fatigue and somatic complaints. These feelings affect attitude and behavior and contribute to negative thinking patterns and mindsets, emotional distress, physical ailments and behavioral issues.
Over time the consequences of “unattended stress symptoms and situations” will affect the psychological and behavioral health of the adolescent.
As a professional counselor I evaluate whether your teen’s mood state or behavior is “typical adolescent behavior” or a “mental health concern” or a “mental health condition”.
This is what is most daunting for parents – “Should I be concerned or not?” If you are asking the question – be concerned and get help. In some situations, teens may approach their parents and ask to see a counselor. If your teen does so, applaud them and seek help immediately for teens usually reach out to their peers or a trusted mentor first, and then their parents.
Our Teens Need Understanding, Support, and Renewed Hope.
They Need “Their Person”
To Talk & Connect With
Teenage Stressors
School pressure
Lack of friendships/right fit
Academic performance
Feeling of being different
Standardized testing
Feeling of not belonging
Non-stop daily schedule
Parental pressure to achieve
Too many extra activities
Rigid/authoritarian parenting
Peer pressure
Lack of time
Unavailable parents
Addiction in the family
Social media
World affairs