Maura Greenman
Several years ago, Maura Greenman, a former housewife and stay at home mom to two daughters, ended her marriage after 26 years. It was an act of courage, strength and faith to leave her marriage for she would need to support herself and reestablish her life.
The quest to find herself began.
Maura realized she was codependent, and living the dysfunctional pattern of relationship called codependency. By engaging in self-care practices, participating in support groups, working the 12-steps and embracing hope, Mara is now thriving. In her spare time and she leads an ongoing codependency group for women based on the work of life coach Hailey Magill, who facilitates a Facebook group “Putting Your Truth into Action”.
Listen to her Quiet Waters Podcast Episode
Episode #27: Recovering from Co-dependency” with Maura Greenman
If you are unhappy in your relationship, it may be because you are in an unhealthy relationship. In a healthy relationship, your basic relationship needs and wants are met. You feel respected, valued, and experience loving and caring behaviors from your partner. If you feel you are the only one “showing up”, listening, valuing, and tending to your partner’s needs, you may be “codependent”.
Listen in as Maura shares her story of living in a dysfunctional, codependent marriage and how she awakened to the truth, courageously made the decision to leave her marriage and find her true, authentic self.
Listen now to the Episode on Buzzsprout , Apple Podcast, or Spotify!