Heidi Henyon
About Heidi
Heidi Started her Journey at age 17, more then 40 years ago when she came across her first yoga master from India who piqued her natural curiosity about the body and mind. From this point Heidi has been fascinated with how the world we live in and create for ourselves affects us and our well-being. She received her first certifications in applied kinesiology when she was 21 and has continued to study Energy Medicine, movement and the art of ritual and ceremony. Even while in corporate America teaching internationally in the computer industry she continued to study internationally and work with clients privately. Finally, in 2001 after 911 she left her corporate position of 25 years realizing her heart was in helping people to heal and feel whole.
Heidi has felt blessed and honored to have learned and shared with hundreds of clients over the years and studying with wonderful teachers like Roselyn Breyer, Hyemeyohsts Storm, Debra Ray, Emilie Conrad and Sobonfu Some’ and ELKK at Avalon Empowerment. She has had the joy of spending time in the Peruvian Andes and Rainforest, Bolivia, Mexico, Europe, Nepal and the united states studying with the indigenous people.
In addition, she is a Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Miracle Minded Coach, certified and licensed massage therapist, movement teacher, health coach and author of three books. She currently resides in Nokesville Virginia spending time with clients and family, building a retreat center and enjoying life. https://heidihenyon.com
Listen to her Quiet Waters Podcast Episode
Ep 55: Honoring the Body and Mind in Healing from Childhood Trauma: A Professional’s Personal Story
How do you embrace a life of joy, love, and gratitude when your life as a child was a steady flow of abuse, neglect, addiction, and trauma? How do you heal from the pain, misery, and memories held tightly within the body-mind to become whole and resilient? Join me for this conversational interview with Heidi Henyon, Transformational Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Massage Therapist, and Movement Teacher as she shares her journey of healing from abuse and addiction. Understand how working with the “body” in recovery is essential in healing and sets the trajectory for reclaiming your joy, self-love, and life.
Listen now to the Episode on Apple Podcast, or Spotify!