Transforming Lives
We are all on a journey searching for greater happiness, health, connection and purpose.
Dr. Nixon is an award-winning licensed professional counselor and marriage & family therapist with 40 years of combined experience in the field of behavioral health, holistic health, wellness, mindfulness and meditation.
She offers counseling to teens and adults, marriage & family therapy to couples and families, wellness counseling and mind-body therapies to teens and adults.
Speciality counseling services include Executive Therapy, tailored to meet the needs of high-level executives and Walk & Talk Therapy, for those who prefer to be in nature, moving and talking versus the four walls of a counseling room.
Upcoming Groups
50+ Grief Support Group
Although we know people we love will die, when it happens our grief can be overwhelming. Flooded with a myraid of emotions and confusing thoughts, it can shake us to the core. Grieving alone is difficult, isolating and lonely. Being in a support group with people who have lost a loved one, facilitated by a professional therapist, offers you a safe place and a process for healing.
Offered in the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Groups are 6 weeks, 6 participants, $400.
Next Group: April 22nd - May 27th, 2025
Afternoons 1:00 - 2:00pm
Location: Lansdowne Office
Taught & Led by Dr. Suzanne Nixon ~ Register by Email dr.suzannenixon@gmail.com
Adult Grief Support Group
Although we know people we love will die, when it happens our grief can be overwhelming. Flooded with a myraid of emotions and confusing thoughts, it can shake us to the core. Grieving alone is difficult, isolating and lonely. Being in a support group with people who have lost a loved one, facilitated by a professional therapist, offers you a safe place and a process for healing.
Offered in the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Groups are 6 weeks, 6 participants, $400.
Next Group: April 21st - May 26th, 2025
Evenings 6:30 - 7:30pm
Location: Lansdowne Office
Taught & Led by Dr. Suzanne Nixon, Register by Email dr.suzannenixon@gmail.com
Nature Inspired Therapy
Walk & Talk Therapy
Walk and talk therapy is an innovative form of counseling. It integrates movement and nature into the talk therapy process. It is a proven way to enhance the mind body connection and strengthen your mental, emotional and physical fitness. Learn more
“Working with Dr. Nixon for two months changed my life in ways that I likely never would have been able to manage on my own.”

My Philosophy.
I create a safe harbor for you to share your concerns, struggles and challenges. I want to know who you are, your lived experiences and what currently tugs at your mind and heart. Counseling is a process of inner exploration. It is a path towards creating self-understanding, self-acceptance and opens the way towards greater health and happiness.
The common thread uniting us all is our humanity. We all experience times in our life when we feel confident, courageous and solid. We are able to show up in our life, make sound decisions, connect with others and navigate our way forward.
Yet, there are times when we are uncertain, challenged, stressed and wonder where our life is headed. Burdened with doubt or negative thinking, feeling a drop in mood state or an increase in anxiety, we experience the hardship our life and wonder if this is it.
I get that, for I too have navigated my way through difficult times, having experienced chronic illness, tremendous loss and painful heartbreak. I am here to tell you, there is hope. There is a way to be with and move through the disappointment, pain and hardship, regain your health, clarity and sense of self and rediscover joy.
Turning towards an experienced therapist, a therapeutic guide, is a sign of courage, strength and wisdom, and a path towards freedom and happiness.
“Dr. Nixon was my counselor for nearly 11 years, supporting me through my teenage, college and early adulthood stages of life. With her expert guidance, caring support and non-judgmental presence, I was able to make positive changes in my life, grow in confidence and become my own person.”